workout 4/26/2012

Sinuses still not clear, feeling slow and constantly having to clear out the snot.  
Bench Press:
175 x 3
210 x 3
245 x 3
280 x 1 
315  x 1 
350 x 1 
350 x 1 
350 x 1 
350 x 1 

340 x 5 
340 x 5 
340 x 5 
340 x 5 
340 x 5 
340 x 5 
340 x 5  
First rep of the first set was a train wreck, so much pressure in my face I had tunnel vision in my left eye. Things got smoother after the second set.
405 x 5
405 x 5
405 x 5
405 x 5
405 x 5
405 x 5
405 x 5    
Took my sweet time between sets. Strength wasn't an issue but fatigue was. No accessory work tonight but I might do some chins tomorrow to make up for tonight.

workout 4/24/2012

245 x 3 
290 x 3 
340 x 3 
390 x 1 
440 x 1 
490 x 1 

490 x 1 
490 x 1 
490 x 1

Have some sinus issues stared last night. I really thought tonight might be tougher but it wasn't too bad. Had to chew gum through the whole workout to keep the sore throat under control.

Bench Press: 
290 x 5 
290 x 5 
290 x 5 
290 x 5 
290 x 5 
290 x 5 
290 x 5

340 x 5 
340 x 5 
340 x 5 
340 x 5 
340 x 5 
340 x 5 
340 x 5

Wide-Grip Pull-Up:

Vertical Leg Crunch:

workout 4/21/2012

205 x 3 
250 x 3 
290 x 3 
330 x 1 
370 x 1 
415 x 1 
415 x 1 
415 x 1 
415 x 1

Squat Lockout: 
495 x 5 
565 x 1 
615 x Miss

Playing with walking out heavier weights and 1/4 squatting to pins then walking back. Missed 615, got to the pins and couldn't get back up.

Bench Press: 
280 x 5
280 x 5
280 x 5
280 x 5
280 x 5
280 x 5
280 x 5

390 x 5
390 x 5
390 x 5
390 x 5
390 x 5
390 x 5
390 x 5

Wide-Grip Pull-Up:
3 x 10

Hanging Straight Leg Raise:
3 x 15 

Lower back is a bit pinched, thought about packing it in after the deads but finished up with the pull-ups and leg raises to see if I could get my back to loosen up.  No such luck.

workout 4/19/2012

On auto pilot tonight, really didn't feel like lifting so my head was no where near the gym and I felt like I was just going through the motions.

Bench Press:
175 x 3
210 x 3
245 x 3
280 x 1
315 x 1
350 x 1
350 x 1
350 x 1
350 x 1

330 x 5
330 x 5
330 x 5
330 x 5
330 x 5
330 x 5
330 x 5

390 x 5
390 x 5
390 x 5
390 x 5
390 x 5
390 x 5
390 x 5

Close Grip Pull-Up:
3 x 10

Hanging Straight Leg Raise:
3 x 15

Next week is going to be rough, my back was hurting for most of the deadlift sets. The strength is there but the deads really wore me out.

workout 4/17/2012

245 x 3

290 x 3

340 x 3

390 x 1

440 x 1

490 x 1

490 x 1

490 x 1

490 x 1

Didn't sleep well the past two nights, I was sure the deads were going to feel heavy tonight but they were incredibly smooth and fast. I guess the heavy days mixed into this phase are doing what I hoped they would.

Bench Press:
280 x 5
280 x 5
280 x 5
280 x 5
280 x 5
280 x 5
280 x 5

330 x 5

330 x 5
330 x 5
330 x 5
330 x 5
330 x 5
330 x 5

Seriously scared myself during the third set, my left quad got really tight then I felt a zipper sensation running from about mid thigh up to my groin. I thought for sure I tore my quad, then I realized that it didn't hurt. The quad is OK but the shorts are dead.

Wide-Grip Pull-Up:
3 x 10

Hanging Straight Leg Raise:
3 x 15

workout 4/14/2012

205 x 3

250 x 3

290 x 3

330 x 1

370 x 1

415 x 1

415 x 1

415 x 1

415 x 1

Changing form on the third rep at 85% was a dumb move. In short I dropped down not back and didn't come back up. Stopped being stupid and hit the last two easily.

Bench Press:

270 x 5
270 x 5
270 x 5
270 x 5
270 x 5
270 x 5
270 x 5

380 x 5
380 x 5
380 x 5
380 x 5
380 x 5
380 x 5
380 x 5

Wide-Grip Pull-Up:

3 x 10

Hanging Straight Leg Raise:
3 x 15

I am not a bodybuilder

So as I was leaving work this afternoon I stopped in the kitchen to get some water for my drive home. A guy from the office did a double take and said "you look like you've been hitting the weights hard, are you bodybuilding again?"

Well for starters I've never done any bodybuilding and I started running through all the reasons I could never be a bodybuilder and that really got me thinking, the main reason that I'm not going to do any bodybuilding, I don't like to count. Counting seems to be a big part of bodybuilding, counting everything.

Things I counted today.

Sets, reps, weight on the bar

Things I didn't count today.

time between meals
ounces of water
hours of sleep
time between sets
eccentric and concentric portions of reps
visible abs
bicep to calf ratio
time on a treadmill
veins in my quadriceps
all the other things bodybuilders seem to obsess over

Workout 04/12/2012

Felt pretty good, I spaced out the deadlift sets a little more to prevent running out of gas but I did have a slight issue with my lower back tightening up after set 4 and my glutes were protesting after set 5, 6 and 7. I decided to do hanging leg raises rather than toes to bar tonight to prevent ab cramping since my lower back was tight.

Bench Press:

175 x 3
210 x 3

245 x 3

280 x 1

315 x 1

350 x 1
350 x 1
350 x 1
350 x 1


320 x 5
320 x 5
320 x 5
320 x 5
320 x 5
320 x 5
320 x 5

380 x 5
380 x 5
380 x 5
380 x 5
380 x 5
380 x 5
380 x 5

3 x 10

Hanging Straight Leg Raise:

3 x 15

workout 4/10/2012

Seriously thought about not lifting tonight. I was nauseous this morning and feeling off tonight, very foggy feeling and tired. Everything went well though so I can't complain too much.

Barbell Deadlift:

245 x 3
290 x 3
340 x 3
390 x 1
440 x 1
490 x 1
490 x 1
490 x 1
490 x 1

Barbell Bench Press:
270 x 5
270 x 5
270 x 5
270 x 5
270 x 5
270 x 5
270 x 5

Used three grips as usual

Barbell Squat:
320 x 5
320 x 5
320 x 5
320 x 5
320 x 5
320 x 5
320 x 5

Moved my stance in to get past some flexibility issues, felt good. I'll probably stick with the narrower stance for a while.

Wide-Grip Pull-Up:
10 reps
10 reps
10 reps

10 reps
10 reps
10 reps

Workout 4/7/2012


45 x 5

205 x 3

250 x 3

290 x 3

330 x 1

370 x 1

415 x 2

415 x 1

415 x 1

415 x 1


260 x 5
260 x 5
260 x 5
260 x 5
260 x 5
260 x 5
260 x 5

As always I alternated three grips, wide (max legal width), medium (pinkies on the rings) and narrow (index fingers on the edge of the inner knurling)


365 x 5
365 x 5
365 x 5
365 x 5
365 x 5
365 x 5
365 x 5

Close Grip Pull-Up:

3 sets of 10 supersetted with Planks:
60 sec
, 30 sec, 30 secI started feeling pressure in my lower back on the planks so I cut them short, no need for stupid back injuries now.

Some of the sets for reference

The Program 4/7/2012

Hopefully this answers some questions on my programming, why I laid it out the way that I did and helps anyone who would like to try it or a similar program to understand the logic behind the method. First the intent here isn't to get pretty. The intent is to get thicker and stronger, that's it. This program focuses solely on getting stronger at the big 3 lifts performed in powerlifting meets, the squat, bench press and deadlift. My methodology is a bit different than more popular programming like Louie Simmons' Westside programming but since I trained using that method years ago some of those methods bleed over into my training. The first thing to note is that the set and rep schema are based on Prilepin's chart as referenced by Louie in several of his early articles.

If you would like to read up on the table, how it was developed and some insight into how some Westside guys use it check out this link.

One of the first powerlifting focused programs I used was Stepan Korte's example of the 3x3 program used by many German powerlifters. It was simple, seemed to be effective and required minimal equipment so it was perfect for me as I was training alone in my basement. The 3x3 program was split into two phases, a high volume phase and a competition phase. Those two concepts I've kept with some tweaking to address some issues I had when running the 3x3 program as written. So what does 3x3 mean? Well it's a reference to doing all 3 of the big lifts 3 times per week. Sounds a bit nuts right? Well it's not as crazy as it sounds since you're not putting a lot of effort into accessory work. Your time is spent focusing on the 3 lifts, perfecting your form and just plain getting stronger at those movements. The basic premise here is that if you want to get better at the squat you squat often, grease the groove as Pavel Tsatsouline put it.

On to the actual programming...

I work off of a 5% addition to each lift from each cycle to calculate my projected maxes. That can be a stretch at times but it's not such a huge jump that the weights become unmanageable. The original 3x3 program worked off a set increase for the whole cycle adding 25lbs to your squat, 10lbs to your bench and 15lbs to your deadlift. I find that shooting for 5% works better for me since it requires a little reaching and the end results are closer to where I usually end up. This also means bigger jumps for the deadlift if you're like many raw lifters and your deadlift is higher than your squat. On the down side this also means that Phase 2 week 4 can be full of missed reps especially if you over estimate your current max so be careful and honest with your maxes. If you plan on running this program repeatedly always re-test your maxes after two cycles. I've learned that a third cycle without testing maxes will end up over reaching every time. If you find yourself over reaching with a single cycle drop the projected max calculation to a more manageable number for your next cycle say 3-4 %.

Phase 1
High Volume and Hypertrophy

So to get thicker you have to add muscle mass, one time tested way of doing this is high volume training but that usually means 8-10 sets in the 10-12 rep range, all three lifts done three times a week that way would be brutal. Since I'm not doing a split the goal of Phase 1 is to spread that hypertrophy work out across the three days. Two of those days will cover this and the third will be used as a technique and strength retention day.

Each phase will last 4 weeks and include a total of 12 workouts. The weights used for the technique and strength retention day will be 80% of your projected max. Your volume work will wave from 60 - 66% of projected max through Phase 1. The rep and set schema will look like this.

Day 1
Deadlift 4x1-2 @ 80% of projected max
Bench 7x5 @ 60% of projected max
Squat 7x5 @ 60% of projected max

Day 2
Bench 4x1-2 @ 80% of projected max
Squat 7x5 @ 60% of projected max
Deadlift 7x5 @ 60% of projected max

Day 3
Squat 4x1-2 @ 80% of projected max
Bench 7x5 @ 60% of projected max
Deadlift 7x5 @ 60% of projected max

That's it for week 1 for weeks 2-4 you would just add 2% to each of the 7x5 sets and leave the 4x1 sets alone. Now you're probably looking at the chart above and you're saying, wait I thought he said he was using this chart to layout the sets and reps, this doesn't look anything like what he said he's doing. Following Prilepin's table for lifts less than 70% I shouldn't be doing more than 30 total reps with 24 being optimal, right? Well yes for strictly strength gains we would stop at 24 reps but the goal of this phase is hypertrophy so we're going to push past the optimal strength number to get the hypertrophy while using lower percentages.

The "heavy" days of Phase 1 are intended to hit the low end of the table so you don't burn all your energy before you even get to the volume work. I usually just shoot for 4 sets 1 rep but in weeks 1-2 I'll do doubles if I'm feeling it.

Phase 2
Strength Phase

In this phase I switch the focus to the heavy day and back off of the volume. I also adhere to doing the lifts in meet order so that when meet day comes around you're used to hitting maxes while fatigued from the other lifts. The heavy day will wave from 80-95% of projected max. If you're keeping up and shooting for 5% increases this means hitting your old max for 4 singles in the fourth week. If you hit all 4 singles great, the minimum though for this last week of the cycle is to hit 2 singles. If you don't manage 2 singles then take a down week as if prepping for a meet and test your maxes again. The rep and set schema will look like this.

Day 1
Squat 6x3 @ 65% of projected max
Bench 6x3 @ 65% of projected max
Deadlift 4x1 @ 80% of projected max

Day 2
Squat 6x3 @ 65% of projected max
Bench 4x1 @ 80% of projected max
Deadlift 6x3 @ 65% of projected max

Day 3
Squat 4x1 @ 80% of projected max
Bench 6x3 @ 65% of projected max
Deadlift 6x3 @ 65% of projected max

For weeks 6-8 you would just add 5% to each of the 4x1 sets and leave the 6x3 sets alone.
You'll notice that this phase meshes up to the lower end of the table for all of your work. I set the program up this way because you're doing all three lifts on a single day. The workload is still very high though since you're doing all three lifts on the same day so be careful if you're tempted to tweak the volume. Phase 2 is intended as a peaking cycle to get you ready for meet day, if you're planning a meet, plan on finishing Phase 2 one week before the meet, do some very light work that week to stay loose then go in to the meet fresh.

At this time I'm training raw, as in no squat suit, bench shirt, or knee wraps. If you use powerlifting gear you will need to work from your raw max when using my numbers (see the link above for an example of how that is done).

Coming soon, the role of accessory work...

First Day Squatting and Deadlifting back to back 4/5/2012

Bench Press:
175 x 3

210 x 3

245 x 3

280 x 1

315 x 1

350 x 2

350 x 2

350 x 2

350 x 2


135 x 5

310 x 5

310 x 5
310 x 5
310 x 5
310 x 5
310 x 5
310 x 5


365 x 5
365 x 5
365 x 5
365 x 5
365 x 5
365 x 5
365 x 5

Running out of gas near the end. I thought about packing it up on the 5th set but since it was more cardio fatigue than anything else I pulled the 6th set 10 seconds after the 5th to make up for the thought of quitting. Normally rest is somewhere between 30sec and 1 minute, just enough to get my heart rate down.

Wide-Grip Pull-Up:

3 sets of 10


1 set of 10

Normally I would have done a couple more sets but the squatting and pulling back to back did a good job of fatiguing my abs.

Beginning a New Cycle 4/3/2012

I've made some changes to my regular workouts adding a "heavy" day during my volume phase. The heavy day will work up to 80% of projected max for singles or doubles depending on how I'm feeling. When I get time I'll post up the entire plan and the insanity behind it. For now tonight's workout.

245 x 3
290 x 3
340 x 3
390 x 1
440 x 1
490 x 1
490 x 1
490 x 1

260 x 5
260 x 5
260 x 5
260 x 5
260 x 5
260 x 5
260 x 5

310 x 5
310 x 5
310 x 5
310 x 5
310 x 5
310 x 5
310 x 5

No accessory work tonight time was short and I'm not sure how the changes will affect recovery time yet.